We all have someone who truly loves us and we reciprocate the same feeling for him. If that someone happens to be an animal or a pet this bonding becomes all the more special. This feeling is too intimate and beautiful to be given away easily. These animals become an integral part of our lives and we dread a moment without them.
Remember to love a animal doesn't necessary mean adopting them, a simple gesture of giving food to a street dog or feeding milk to cat, shows your love for other beings.

Share Your Love For Animals With The World - this is the theme of this blog and all animal lovers are requested to share their feeling with us and others. You can send a picture of your pet/loved animal with an article just fill the form below . Your entries along with your feeling will be shared and appreciated by the world.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Weird noises dog made

This is the weirdest dog video I have seen. Check out

Also Check out few of the earlier funny animal videos

Funny Animal Show
Funny Dog Video
Funny Cat Video

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